Command for creating a new database is:
create <database name>
2. How to select/chose database?
Database can be chosen by command:
db <database name>
3. How to view/show stored databases?
If you want information of all the databases present in your PC than command is:
ShowDb command will show all the databases present in your PC.4. How to store/add new entry in chosen databases?
To add a new entry in your current database the command is:
add <title>
After that you are asked to Enter User ID, than Password, and then Description.Note: Don’t enter blank entry otherwise you can’t store that value.
At the end of submitting all the three information correctly the output data stored! Confirms its successful storage in database.
5. How to view all the entries stored in current databases?
To view all the entries stored in current database the command is:
show *
Where `*` denotes all.
To view the values stored in any entry the command is:
show <title>
So it show all the values stored in it accordingly.7. How to modify/change values of particular entry stored in current databases?
If you entered any wrong information in any entry and you want to modify that then command is:
modify <title>
This will show you old value and ask to enter `e` to edit or press enter to continue.When you press `e` that its asks you for the new value and after that it comes to the second option add when the information is modified is save it with the modifications made.
8. How to delete an entry stored in current databases?
If you want to delete any entry than command is:
del <title>
Where del refers to delete
And the output result confirms that the entry is successfully deleted from database.9. How to delete a databases?
If you want to delete any database than command is:
delDb <database name>
When you enter this command and if the database is present then it asks to enter password, after entering correct password the database successfully deleted from your PC.Note: Sometimes this operation fails to delete a database so you can ignore that and try again after re-starting the Terminal.
10. How to change password of PShell Terminal?
If you want to change password of your PSHELL Terminal the command for that is:
new password
When you enter that you are asked to enter current password, after entering current password you can change your password by entering new password successfully and re-login to Terminal.11. How to export/backup a databases?
To export any database you need to enter command:
export <database name>
Which makes a text file in `export` folder at Password Shell installation folder, all your entries stored there.